Sunday, February 14, 2010

PetSmart: Greenies & Kongs For Old Used Toys???

Mrs. Messiah insists on purchasing an excessive number of "puppy toys" for the new dog. The Deal Messiah will be going on such a "toy run" this afternoon, under the guise of going to see about some "better food".

I'm generally annoyed with the prices of dog accessories, not to mention the looming specter of vet care. What a ridiculous industry that it. Lest I digress, let's get to the hustle.

Pictured above are used accessories from our last "giant breed" dog. Our new dog is much smaller, and we simply can't use this stuff anymore. I'm going to take a shot at actually going to PetSmart, and making money (for once), by attempting to return these items without a receipt.

Naturally, any credit I can hustle will be immediately spent on the latest "Kong" or "Greenie", but whatever, it's the principle of the matter.

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