Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alligator Belts & How To Return Spontaneous Purchases

The Deal Messiah knows that when it’s funner to buy, than to actually wear and own, JUST RETURN IT.

Let’s face it, returning an item can be a little embarrassing. The DEAL MESSIAH gets over it easily, by making justifications to himself why it is OK to return useless GARBAGGIO.
Here are just a few ways to rationalize a return:
• It’s not personal, nor a slap in the face, of the employee who will handle your return (for corporate stores, Macy’s, etc). You are NOT taking money out of the employees pocket that is handling the return. They are a public company with millions in revenues. They literally could care less.
• Think about how much money you make in an hour, versus how long it will take you to make a return. Unless you’re a powerful executive, or some type of Wall Street mogul, it probably makes sense. Taking 15 minutes to swing by the mall and return a $200 belt is probably worth your time.
• Your return will be recycled and sold in their retail outlet, at 20% off, and they will still make a profit. Where do you think most of their outlet merchandise comes from, anyways?

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