Sunday, February 14, 2010

Petco: Recycling Used Dog Food, Can It Be Done?

The Deal Messiah was placed into an awkward situation yesterday, via the demands of his new brood, and Mrs. Messiah. It seems that middle quality dog food he bought isn’t wholly organic (a.k.a. not good enough) for the new pup. Therefore, the 40 lb bag of dog food he bought last week was money down the drain. Or was it? It didn’t help that the Deal Messiah prematurely emptied the bag into a big tub, and threw away the original bag and receipt. The situation clearly posted the perpetual lingering question:

Can anything be returned?

I’m an eternal optimist, or so my friends say, so I decided to try it out, if only for the benefit of you sch-luffs. I called my local PetCo and asked to speak with the manager.

Always ask for a decision maker, get their name, and don’t be a jerk.

-The Deal Messiah

I explained my situation to “Peter”, and told him that my puppy was not eating the food. Then asked if I could bring it in for an exchange and he said, “As long as the food bag is more than half full, we’ll take it back for an exchange.”
Even in my world, this is preposterous. But I will certainly be heading over to PetCo later this morning with a couple of trash bags filled with dog food. Whats up.

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