Friday, March 5, 2010

Wintergreen Ski Rental Discount: 25% Off For The Deal Messiah

The Deal Messiah takes his "game" on the road, even for a fun ski vacation. Resorts and those patronizing tourists love to stick it to you, while you're relaxing and not on your A Game. The Deal Messiah aims to be a beacon of light, that people should follow on their vacations, so they don't get unnecessarily hoodwinked.

I went down to figure out my ski lift ticket, and rental early Saturday morning, and discovered the place to be a full blown circus. Apparently every yahoo in the southeast got a memo to descend on Wintergreen Ski Resort last Saturday. The rental line alone was 2 hours. So I bailed and decided to come back later in the day.

Upon my grandiose return, and after a few Coors Light, I discovered that the resort had "run out of snowboard rentals". Non sense. I told the lady at the ticket window that I wanted to buy a half day pass, and she said she couldn't sell it to me today because they were so busy. I made the argument that they were out of boards, and I was being asked to wait 30 minutes for other people to return their boards.

I dropped my classic line, "What can you do for me."

She said she could ask the manager, and returned to grant me a 25% off discount on my snowboard rental. Not too bad, just for asking. Also, it turned out that I went back and checked at the actual rental station, and they had a board that had just come in, so there was no wait. Nice.

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